Happpening at HAA
From the election of National Honor Society of Dance Arts officers to world class workshops. There’s always something going on here.
Our parent portal is here to make life easier with juggling all that goes on here at HAA! Season 44 is underway! New student registration is open, come join us today!
Class Cost and Schedule
Hamilton Academy of the Arts offers a variety of classes for a wide range of ages from 2 years old to adult. Find all the information from class time to dress code!

More than just a dance studio
Our dance studio has produced an array of talented dancers. Company members have been highlighted and spotlighted for their extraordinary skills!
HAPC has 4 Dance Companies, Petite, Junior, Teen and Senior Companies received 1st place, 2nd place, best choreography and judges choice awards at Competitions.
In the Media
HAPC dance studio students have appeared in TV commercials, Music Videos, Concerts, Newspapers, Radio and hundreds of community events
HAPC was selected by Disney Entertainment to perform a 25 minute show about Louisiana’s Culture and Traditions
About us
For the past 44 years the HAA dance studio has been something Spectacular!
Come and see what’s waiting on the other side of your child’s door. Your child’s dream to perform and experience something magical on stage. Come dream with us at the HAA dance studio!
A few things we’re great at
Hamilton Academy of the Arts for over 40 years has been making history!

Making History
June 9, 2015 was proclaimed Hamilton Academy of the Arts Day in the City of Lafayette!

Lifetime Achievement Award
The UL Lafayette College of the Arts recently named Alumna Grace Hamilton-Mayfield ’82 as this year’s SPARK Lifetime Achievement Award Honoree. The SPARK Lifetime Achievement Award honors alumni and members of the community who have made great strides to advance the arts in Louisiana and across the country. Grace will become the first female and the first person of color to be awarded the SPARK Lifetime Achievement Award

Diversity and inclusion has been apart of Hamilton Academy of the Arts for 43 years. We’ve partnered with Wingman for Dance and the National Dance Education Organization to continue our commitment to the dance community.